Handbags are indispensable items for a woman in most outing; these, they cannot do without. One important contributor to the handbag industry is Vera Bradley. Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Vera Bradley Designs, Inc. is an American design company that is known for its soft, brightly bags. This brand's purses,handbags and bags are ideal for every season.
The Vera Bradley Story marks a significant milestone in every American dream. On March of 1982, two longtime friends, Patricia Miller and Barbara Bradley Baekgaard were on vacation. Waiting for their flight, the ladies noticed the definite absence of feminine-looking luggage. They wasted no time in correcting the situation. Within weeks, they created a company which was named after Barbara's mother, Vera Bradley. The company started marketing and manufacturing superior quality and cleverly designed handbags, luggage, travel items, stationary, eyewear and accessories.
For over, 20 years, loyal followers look forwards to its lovely new fabric and styles. Periodically, the Company will retire a pattern. When a pattern retires, new ones are introduced. New patterns are out and old ones are retired four times a year following the turn of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Vera Bradley purses, handbags and bags come in different sizes and styles with different patterns and colors. Made of quilted cotton, bags are also given special names as: the Army, the Handbag, the Hipster, the Tote, the Marge, the Hannah, the Betsey, and the Villager.
The top ten for this bag brands are:
1. Blacksack
2. Libby.
3. Tall Zip Tote
4. Tic Tac Tote
5. All in one Wristlet
6. Baby Bag
7. Mini Hipster
8. Small Duffel
9. Maggie
10. Bucket Tote
These stylish and innovative products are available in boutiques, gift shops and online. Affordable to suit your budget, products are offered huge discounts in most outlets. Buying this brand's purses, Vera Bradley handbags, and bags satisfy your desire for fashion and functionality in your accessories.
Weenie Rifareal is an Asian homebased online worker dealing with SEO, internet marketing and article writing. Read more about purses at http://www.purses.org.
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